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  • Cantonal Court in Livno

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    Message of the President of the Court


    Welcome to our website where you will find information concerning the work of the Cantonal Court in Livno, its internal organisation, jurisdiction, information concerning scheduled hearings and trials before the court, rendered judgements, as well as news and information concerning pending cases related activities.

    The Court’s website has goal to inform the citizens about work of our institution.

    Your opinions and suggestions will be appreciated when we make a decision on future work of the Court.

    We hope that you will satisfy your curiosity and find a lot of useful information on our website.

    President of the Court,
    Jurica Babić

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  • Biography
  • 398 PREGLEDA
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    Message of the President of the Court


    Welcome to our website where you will find information concerning the work of the Cantonal Court in Livno, its internal organisation, jurisdiction, information concerning scheduled hearings and trials before the court, rendered judgements, as well as news and information concerning pending cases related activities.

    The Court’s website has goal to inform the citizens about work of our institution.

    Your opinions and suggestions will be appreciated when we make a decision on future work of the Court.

    We hope that you will satisfy your curiosity and find a lot of useful information on our website.

    President of the Court,
    Jurica Babić